panguan art © 墙头儿儿

xuan, 20+, they/she
moved from @Iangqiao | translation stuff

mostly an account for reading/reaction threads, occasional ppt slides, and i talk about any media i have a brainrot for (mostly c-media and orv)
feel free to unfollow or softblock any time you aren't vibing, i do the same if mutuals i'm not close to talk about things i don't care
im mostly okay w anyone interacting as long as you respect my space, though please refrain from being too friendly w me if you're 2007 and after

2 ★ fun read | 3 ★ i like it a decent amount
4 ★ loved it|> 5 ★ AAAAAA

novels + language readauthorrating
1. TGCF 天官赐福 (中)mxtx★★★★
2. ERHA 二哈和他的白猫师尊 (中)肉包★★
3. SVSSS 人渣反派自救系统 (中)mxtx★★★
4. Sha Po Lang 杀破狼 (中)priest★★★
5. Yu Wu 余污 (中)肉包★★★★
6. The Blind Concubine 瞎娘娘 (中)洗泥★★★
7. Little Mushroom 小蘑菇 (中)一十四洲★★★★
8. Mo Du 默读 (中)priest★★★★
9. Guo Men 过门 (中)priest★★★
10. LHJC 烈火浇愁 2.0 (中)priest★★★★★★
11. Can Ci Pin 残次品 (EN)priest★★★★★★
12. Waiting Until 35 Years Old (中)南康白起-
13. Melting City 熔城 (中)巫哲★★★★
14. Qi Ye 七爷 (中)priest★★
15. Tian Ya Ke 天涯客 (中)priest★★
16. Liu Yao 六爻 (中)priest★★★
17. Panguan 判官 (中)木苏里★★★★★
18. ORV 전지적 독자 시점 (EN)싱숑★★★★★★
19. DYLM 你是不是喜欢我 (中)吕天逸★★
20. Nan Chan 南蝉 (中+EN)唐酒卿★★★
21. QQGK 全球高考 (中)木苏里★★★★★
22. Hei Tian 黑天 (中)木苏里★★★★
23. GLDZZ 你可曾见过如此高冷的作者 (中)首初★★★★
24. Sa Ye 撒野 (中)巫哲★★★★★
25. Fake Slackers 伪装学渣 (中)木瓜黄★★
26. Your distance 你的距离 (中)公子优★★★
27. KOD 死亡万花筒 (中)西子绪★★★
28. Hope you've been well 别来无恙 (中)北南★★★★
29. The Yin Guest 阴客 (中)木苏里★★
30. Mist Unlimited 薄雾【无限】 (EN)微风几许★★★
31. Pipa 穿堂惊掠琵琶声 (中)高台树色★★★
32. Chasing Tides 逐浪 (中)余酲★★
33. Po Yun 破云 (中)淮上★★★
34. Tai Sui 太岁 (中+EN)priest★★★★★
35. Shangxian 不见上仙三百年 (中)木苏里★★★★
36. San Fu 三伏 (中)巫哲★★★★
37. Derailment 脱轨 (中)Priest★★★
38. Cultural Relics 文物不好惹 (中)木苏里★★★
39. 桥头楼上 (中)Priest★★★
honestly too many i give up  
LCF 백작가의 망나니가 되었다유려한❗️❗️
Crossover Actor 跨界演员北南❗️❗️
Copper Coins 铜钱龛世木苏里❗️❗️
The Lawyer 一级律师木苏里❗️❗️❗️❗️
Antidote 解药巫哲❗️❗️❗️
Qingkuang 轻狂巫哲❗️❗️
Jin Se 锦瑟Priest❗️
Zhongji Lanyin 终极蓝印Priest❗️
You Yi 游医Priest❗️❗️
SHBL 山河表里Priest❗️
The Earth Is Online 地球上線莫晨歡❗️❗️❗️
No Money to Divorce 没钱离婚首初❗️❗️❗️
Cat's Rose 猫咪的玫瑰14❗️❗️❗️
C Lang Cultivation C语言修仙14❗️
Obelisk / Eternal Night 方尖碑14❗️❗️❗️
Thriller Trainee 惊悚练习生妄鸦❗️
JWQS 泾渭情殇请君莫笑❗️❗️❗️
My Death God Roommate 我的死神室友请君莫笑❗️❗️
Dinghai 定海浮生录非天夜翔❗️❗️❗️
Tianbao 天宝伏妖录非天夜翔❗️❗️❗️❗️
Seizing Dreams 夺梦非天夜翔❗️❗️
Tun Hai 吞海淮上❗️❗️
QJJ 将进酒唐酒卿❗️❗️
Mysterious Lotus Casebook 莲花楼Live Action4.8/5
Link Click 时光代理人Donghua (Waiting for S3)
Audio Drama
LHJC 烈火浇愁Manhua
Audio Drama (S1/2)
Panguan 判官Audio Drama (S2/2)5/5
QQGK 全球高考Manhua
Audio Drama (S2/3)
Can Ci Pin 残次品Audio Drama (S1/4)
TBFYL 天宝伏妖录Donghua4.9/5
SHL 山河令Live Action4.2/5
Unsound Relationship 不健全关系Manhua
Audio Drama (S1/2)
SVSSS 穿书自救指南Donghua (Waiting for S2)4.5/5
TGCF 天官赐福Donghua4.5/5
MDZS 魔道祖师
CQL 陈情令
Donghua (S3/3)
Live Action